The 123C digital maturity model
#maturity model #Digitalization #Playbook

123C identifies the topic of digital maturity as a driving force in a 360-degree consulting concept. The focus is on those topics that have priority for the relevant digitalization processes in the company.
By digitalization we mean: The comprehensive areas such as digital projects, digital services, digital channels and digital resources. The framework is decisive for the degree of maturity. Only by understanding the depth of all topics the complexity can be assessed.
Conceptualizing Digital maturity: 123C uses special analyses and mapping processes to determine the current status quo of your digital maturity. We take a comprehensive look at the digital business journey and understand the maturity level in the context of all digital activities.
The result: A starting point for strategic planning and for the development of future strategies. In addition to the digital maturity level evaluation, you receive a scoring and the strategic playbook for the next steps for your digitalization.
#Framing #Mapping #Playing

Initial contact & analysis
In an initial “1st Touch”, as we call this collaborative discussion, your expectations are being identified. We further strive to learn more about your company and your framework conditions. It helps us to get to know each other and to discuss your experiences in past digital projects. We can then outline the next steps of your digital maturity level.
If desired and agreed upon, our experts will immediately start with the relevant analyses. Based on those findings we will discuss your strengths and possible weaknesses. Together, we determine the need for action to increase the degree of digital maturity of your company.

Centerpiece digital map
The approach: Using two iterative half day workshops, we first talk about the digital basics and then address the individual needs of your map. On the map we record the starting position and jointly evaluate new directions and opportunities within the existing digital topics.
The results of these workshops are an initial maturity assessment and a digital map, which provides you with a simple, visual overview of the digital landscape of the company. It is important to identify the potential as well as the strategic next steps are important in order to plan the required resources for the future implementations.

Strategic Playbook
After the foundation and basis for the digital maturity have been laid with the digital map, all ideas with concrete measures are packed into a comprehensive roadmap. These digital work packages are brought together in a playbook and rolled out according to priority.
Depending on your desired partnership with us, we will be at your side as enabler or evaluator for the further optimization work with our expertise and our network.
#Digital map
The digital map is the centerpiece in determing an entrepreneurial maturity level. It shows the important anchor points in the digital transformation and provides clarity about the strategic importance. The map includes the core digital topics, which are supported by an analysis model developed in house.
123C develops an individual digital map for its customers, which serves as a status quo and starting point for the future digital transformation process.
Fell free to contact us for further questions.